2011年4月6日 星期三


The biggest event "2011 Spring Conference" of District 67 Toastmasters International is around the corner. Grand T/Ms Club is in charge of the Journal of Spring Con. Sherry, being a popular T/M and a member of the club, was invited to write an article for the journal. Before we knew it, Sherry got all goldies involved in the article by asking all of us to contribute a paragraph to complete the article. In less than two days, we had it done. Here it goes:

To Golden Ladies Toastmasters with Love


Golden ladies Toastmasters don’t have time growing old, but growing up in Toastmasters till the day we expire. ~Sherry Li 李向慈, ATM-B, Grand Toastmasters Club

Except family and office, Toastmasters provides me a place to release pressure and grow with fun. At home, I am a chatting wife; in office, I am a serious C.O.O. After joining Toastmasters, I became a happy and charming woman, who is a real me. Toastmasters are all well-trained evaluators. They are all good at praising and encouraging each other. I enjoy this advantage very much. Moreover, members who joined Toastmasters are all educated and studious. So, it’s a right way to make friends from Toastmasters. To me, one of the biggest harvests I have earned from being a Toastmaster is to have 7 Golden Fairies from Toastmasters as my sisters enjoying the vivid and beautiful life together.

除了家庭和職場,中華民國演講協會提供了我另一個地方,讓我可以釋放壓力,又可以快樂高興的成長。 在家裡,我是個嘮叨的老婆;在辦公室,我是個嚴肅的營運長。 參加演講會之後, 我變成一個快樂又有魅力的女人。這個才是真正的我啊! 在演講會的會友都被訓練的成為很好的講評員。 大家都很會互相讚美和鼓勵。 這點我非常喜歡、也常陶醉其中。 另外,在演講會裡的會友,都是教育程度相當而且具有上進心的。 所以,這是一個交朋友的好地方。 對我來説,參加中華民國演講協會最大的收穫之一是我找到了黃金仙子作姊妹,大家一起享受多采多姿的美麗人生。~ Michelle Liu 劉清痕, ATM-B, Legacy Toastmasters Club 薪傳演講會

我的人生在接觸國際演講會和國劇後才像蓓蕾般逐漸綻放光輝。演講會成員的學習態度,優質會議,及熱心服務的精神令人感動。國劇演員對藝術的堅持也叫人動容。不論在哪裡遇見Toastmasters 的會員,就像在表演劇場遇到熟面孔ㄧ樣,馬上有共同的話題。演講和國劇同樣是表演藝術,均包括聲調、面部表情、眼神、肢體語言、故事性等等元素,只不過平劇的動作較為誇張。參與二者的活動對自我呈現有互補作用。 自參加演講會後,我學到的不僅是演講的技巧,更結交許多對平劇有興趣的朋友。 揪團ㄧ起欣賞國劇,表演結束後來杯咖啡,運用演講會講評技巧,每人提出賞後觀感,觀察力、審美力、及表現力都獲得進步,人生多麼美好啊。
Like a bud blossoms, my life has become rich and colorful since I joined Toastmasters and got involved in Chinese opera activities. The attitude of learning, the quality of the meetings and the spirit of service that Toastmasters have set a good example for me. The persistence of Chinese Opera performers also has touched my heart. Wherever I meet a Toastmaster, it’s like seeing a familiar face in the audience of Chinese Opera performance. Both making speeches and Chinese Opera are fascinating performance arts that require the same elements – story, vocal variety, eye contact, hand gestures, etc., but the body movements of Chinese opera is more exaggerated. I have met many Chinese Opera fans in the Toastmasters. We go to Chinese opera shows together in addition to regular TM meetings. The coffee time after the show is the highlight of the event. Everyone gives his/her opinions about the show by using the evaluation skills we learnt from the Toastmasters. Our observational, aesthetic, and presentation abilities are hence improved. What a wonderful life it is by participating in the Toastmasters and Chinese Opera!
~ Kate Hsu許蓓輝, Prestige T/Ms Club

說話技巧的進步,突破說英文的障礙以及結識傑出的朋友,讓我的生活更多彩多姿,這是我參加Toastmasters Club最大的收穫。我所參加的社團中(女企業家聯誼會、紳士協會、扶輪社與T/Ms Club等) T/Ms Club 是我的最愛。 因為我在這裡不但在語言及領導能力自我成長,更重要的是還交到一群好朋友-黃金女郎Golden Ladies。 我們不只是吃喝玩樂的好伙伴,更是互相學習的好對象。 黃金女郎的成員個個都是獨力性很強的現代女性,不同的個性及專長讓我們在相處時展現互補的效率。 而且身為一個Toastmaster,當然在聚會時分享T/Ms Magazine讀後心得是絕對是少不了的。 朋友們!加入中華民國國際演講協會Toastmasters International將是你一生中最正確的選擇。
~ Linda Tseng曾玉玲, Excellence T/Ms Club

個性不同特質不同的眾女子因Toastmasters 緣分而成為相知、相惜的好朋友及好姊妹。相同的是我們都有著一顆年輕、熱情的心及強烈的求知慾。 除了愛熱鬧、愛助人,我們也愛自己。有人說人生最幸福的事是能和心愛的人一起慢慢變老。雖說我們的願望是個笑話(在此賣個關子),但是我們衷心的期盼大夥十年二十年後依然擁有健康的身體,一起讀Toastmasters雜誌,一起在Toastmasters大會台上跳舞唱歌。
~ Pamela Yang 楊克平, Galaxy Toastmasters Club

因為參加演講會而擴張了我的境界,像跳出了井底的小青蛙,世界變得又大又亮。 最讓我珍惜的是 Golden Ladies的友誼。 一群來自不同演講會的美女從每個月一次的美食讀書會開始而相知相惜;一起學踢踏舞、一起看戲、一起爬山、通宵歡笑的睡衣 party、出國旅行 ..... 。 姊妹們不但有許多共同的愛好,而且能夠互相欣賞進而彼此學習各個人的長處和才藝,我們的生活也因此更加多采多姿! I love Golden Ladies!
~ Lydia Lin林麗莉,青企台語 YMIC T/Ms Club

My toastmasters journal began to soar after I met my lady friends. After being a member of T/Ms for so many years, it was really a blast having them come into my life. Every thing we do, even having a simple cup of coffee is three times more enjoyable when we do it together. Likewise we can turn a simple reading into an enchanting program full of variety, learning, and enjoyment. All of us come from different clubs, amazing, isn’t it? Yet, it makes our getting together not always easy. Still when a good course comes, we’d all strive to take advantage of the opportunity. Time flies with the speed of light when we are together and I always look forward to our next gathering with special anticipation. It gives me great pleasure to say that next to my family, my lady friends are the only ones that always have the charm to cheer me up. ~ Trini Ding丁海華, DTM, The China T/Ms Club

Photos https://picasaweb.google.com/azenng/BridgeTaiwanStrait#5351504998046357490
Blogs: http://taipeitm.blogspot.com/

p.s. 黃金女郎訂於十月十日發行首張黃金老歌CD, 慶祝中華民國一百年國慶, 歡迎中華民
黃金女郎歡迎中華民國演講會友的喜慶邀約, 免費公演, 請大家告訴大家!

