2009年3月31日 星期二

A Month of Speech and Table Topics Contests

When Spring comes, the rains cleanse the air fresh, the trees revive and green takes its pride to embellish nature, energy gets hold of us. Suddenly activities one after another are everywhere to lure us. To T/Ms in Taiwan, maybe around the world, March and April is the busiest season. Outings, gatherings and workshops are all ready to wave at us, yet they are not exhilarating or attractive enough comparing to the benefits and fulfillment Speech and Table Topics contests bring us.

If you are interested in listening to prepared speeches, especially good and meaningful ones, attending Speech and Table Topics Contests would be the best choice. Counting In-house, Area, Division and the last the most exciting Speech and Table Topics Contest, there will be at least one hundred and fifty contests island wide. Just in Northern Taiwan alone, there are Speech and Topics Contests held over fifty (50) T/Ms clubs, fifteen areas and five Divisions for you to choose from. Normally a T/M would at least attend two or three contests to observe, learn and get inspired. I love to attend contests as longs as my schedule fits, and definitely I won’t miss my club's in-house contest, area C2 and Division C Contests. Being a long-time T/M, I don’t need to struggle whether I should attend other in-house, area or Division contests because all the invitations are already more than good enough for me to consider, and I have to turn down a lot in order not to mess up my routine badly. Thanks to all the officers for giving me the honor I was at all the contests to serve as either one of the judges or the chief judge.

How many contests exactly I have attended up to now? They are China, NCCU, YWCA, TCG, Innovative, Sunshine, Area A1, A2, A3, C1, G2, G3, H1, Div. C, E, etc. There were some I really liked to attend, yet their overlapped time or date made it impossible for me. Must say the value of attending all these contests was immense and time was so much worth spending. No T/Ms would doubt the benefits of attending or joining contests. I believe it’s most T/Ms’ dream or goal to join contests. Only by joining contests, can the T/M excel him or herself through learning by doing process. For contestants, they might have done over hundreds of times of rehearsals especially for those who make their way to Division level contest. With the comments and suggestions they receive from fellow T/Ms, they can all enjoy a breakthrough improvement.

From obsering all the contests that I've attended, I’d like to echo the criteria of winning strategies the T/Ms training suggests:

1. Confidence and good poise
2. A clear message that was delivered in a well structured way
3. A speech supported with personal stories to sound original, to intrigue the audience and to inspire them to take action.
4. Skillful and fluent delivery with certain showmanship.
5. Articulation and pronunciation in addition to a well written scipt.

Last but the foremost, winning attitude! It motivates the speaker to rid all his or her disadvantages to make winning the championship a reality.

I am from Division C, I must say all the contestants at the Div. C Contest were simply awesome. I heard their speeches before and was impressed to see the amazing improvement they made. Congratulations especially to the champions Judy Lee and Sylvia Chen. I wish them for the best of luck at the Spring Con, District Contest!

I joined in-house contests several times, yet didn’t outshine in Area level contests. My excuses were bad timing due to my work, my family and my duty at the T/Ms, couldn’t geared up to gather enough zeal or had to give up at the last moment. Now after deciding that I’d not take any role in District office for the following years, I should give it another try. Why not? It’s the best way to hone my public speaking skills and confront my stage fright, if any, once and for all. The disadvantage will be the big loss by not being able to accept all the sweet invitations and enjoy the honor of serving as judge.

Sherry is the one among goldies who has the passion and dedication to take action to join contests. She also encouraged us to join. She made it to the Division level last time, and dropped out from the area contest this time at the last moment unexpectedly. I believe she will definitely make a come-back next year.

To join or not to join the contest, it's still a question to me. What I can be sure of is I’ll still attend as many contests as possible to enjoy the fruitful and fulfilling moment!


A Casual Chit Chat between Pamela and Me on Sunday Afternoon

Believe it or not, chatting without a specific purpose or topic is quite rare and luxurious for me. Even for Goldies gatherings, they had always been made in the name of reading, outing, special activity or clogging. But this Sunday Pamela and I enjoyed a relaxing chit chat in a totally casual way.

Making use of the chance of attending Div. C contest, we two stole a couple of hours after the contest to hang out at Mr. Brown Coffee. Though Pamela has joined us for almost four months, we hadn’t really chatted due to the short gatherings we had before she left for China. She went on a business trip for more than a month and just came back from ShangHai. She will soon leave Taipei again. I missed goldies’ extra gathering on Saturday due to my commitment to Div. E for their Speech and Table Topics Contest, so I was glad that I could make up my absence on Saturday knowing that Pamela could come for Div. C’s contest. I was touched and overjoyed when she handed me the purple scarf and books she bought for me. So thoughtful and sweet! Yet, I prepared nothing for her.

We talked a lot, beginning with the Speech and Table Topics Contest, our jobs, our family life to our mutual friends. It seemed that we covered a lot of topics. How wonderful it would have been if time could have just frozen there. The most exciting moment was when Pamela told me she could play Bridge. I was like on cloud nine. I had been trying to look for T/Ms who can play Bridge for a long time. It takes four to play the game, which made my searching extremely challenging. After over ten years try, my dream came true unexpectedly yet overwhelmingly. This new goldie realized my dream. My head wasted no time in picturing the scene we play Bridge together in the near future with two other T/Ms that I already found. Unknowingly time slipped through our fingers, three hours passed. Thinking that her better half Moses must have been waiting for her to come home, and I shouldn’t stay out long, either, we called it a day.

I was thinking on my way home: it must be a boisterous gathering on April 11th for goldies.
Imagine ten goldies wearing the scarves in different colors sit around the table quacking! What an interesting and hilarious sight!


A side dish of March Reading by Irene Chen

Aside from monthly TM magazine reading on March 14, Sherry arranged an extra gathering on March 28 to welcome Pamela Yang back from Shanghai and chose the books for reading: “Eat Healthy食在自然”,“Identical Strangers孿生陌生人”& “Pretty Little Mistakes美麗的小錯誤”. The specialty of this gathering was the place we met, our new friend Gina Cheng’s home.
After several meetings with guests joining, we not only expanded our people link, but also made our gathering more fun and exciting. We shared with each other life experiences, talented gifts, different thoughts and essence spirits. Each person is unique and has lots of strength to learn from. Isn't it wonderful?

“Eat Healthy食在自然”by Huei-wen Chen— Can you imagine a doctor gave up his career at his early mid-age and moved to the countryside with family to buy land and to plant vegetables and rice crops in order to provide the family with healthy food and life. He learned from Japan the “Shumei organic”method to grow the plants & crops, killing one insect with another without using insecticide or pesticide. On his land the chemical fertilizers were never used. The recipes his wife shared in the book with easy-to-get vegetables followed the rules of simplicity, health and taste. The intestinal cancer rated number one killer in Taiwan last year, we should believe that “You are what you eat”. We learned the concept of Nature and healthy food to cook, and shall discipline at home and serve our beloved family.

“Identical Strangers孿生陌生人”by Elyse Schein + Paula Berstein—
Two identical twins were separated and grew in different places. Will they have identical thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and hobbies…, Nature or Nurture? The answer is positive in this book. Gene topics were raised consecutively and effected deeper discussions toward ourselves and relatives. When talking about sad stuations, our tears welled in eyes. Lt. Gina’s dining table became a psychologist capsule for medication.

"Pretty Little Mistakes": A Do-Over Novel by Heather McElhatton—
Each of us read and played with fun following the set-up questions and answers for an imitation life which ended up with 150 sorts of death. If you are not satisfied with the conclusion, you can always re-do-over. It is an interesting book. You might find your dreams there.

Pot-luck was arranged this time and it was fun. Sherry's salad of seasoned bean curd dressed with sesame and parsley freshly picked had a special flavor, the Vietnamese starters were chewy and exotic. Pam specially ordered ice coffee freshly dripped and brought red wine to soften our minds. Amy, Kate and Gina's fruits and desserts were the sweetest! My egg salad and XO source were so welcome. Gina Cheng is a hospitable hostess and keep her door open for friends to chat, eat, play and have fun together. As a romantic lady, she likes to serve and share her private recipes in her sweet nest with classic dining ware, table ware, candle lights and music. We found another shelter to stay in and cheer each other. She made us VIP and homey, our tongues and stomachs surrendered after we appreciated her Italian baked chicken & broccoli and sipped the English tea. We can’t help our greedy appetites but ask for more gatherings at her place in the future.

Having Pam’s gift, a cashmere scarf for every one, wrapped around my neck on my way home, I felt warm and educated, my heart was filled with happiness . It reminds me of a saying : “We are getting older, because of isolation, we shall make merry while we can, so as to keep young!”

Expecting for the next gathering on April 12 at Wu-Lai名流水岸, and more to come~~~maybe Shanghai trip, farming, ranching, hiking........


2009年3月19日 星期四

Toastmaster Magazine Reading Gathering on White Valentine's Day by Linda Tseng

看倌們!瞧個仔細,看看這次的文章跟以往有何不同。過完農曆年後的二、三月Reading Gathering,在事前的聯絡事宜,真是一波三折。不是餐廳訂不到位,就是Golden ladies的時間兜不攏。Why! Why! Tell me why? 2/14西洋情人節,3/14白色情人節。小姐!別人可不像你這麼沒行情,但塞翁失馬,焉知非福。

2/14雖然沒能訂到烏來聞名的『名流水岸』餐廳,但改去我們Excellence Toastmasters Club會長Sean,(邱毅雄)的女婿所開的,鄰璞石麗緻,面對烏來行政大樓的風味餐廳『烏來香』,清爽不油膩的『馬告雞湯』、涼拌檳榔花、香Q酥軟的炸豬腳以及新店特產『珠蔥』,都讓我們有嘗鮮的滿足感。Golden ladies還怕吃飯後,影響穿旗袍的美感,而先拍照後,再好好享受美食。不瞞看倌您,2/14的Reading Gathering還真有點藉讀書之名,而享受拍照及嘗美食之樂,因為當天大家看到Lydia帶來的漂亮衣服及滿桌的美食,心早就不在書上了。情人節嘛!快樂最重要。

但3/14可就不同嘍!雖然除了3位Golden ladies-Sherry, Irene and Linda (筆者)有讀完指定的3篇文章,但因主題(聽、講故事)有趣,且人人有故事,因此草草填飽肚子,就熱烈的討論彼此的看法與分享彼此的故事。我們的精神領袖Sherry特別邀請了Amy Chen來參加這次在青島西路『怡客』的聚會。Amy也是一位Toastmaster,屬於China Club。為什麼特別邀請她呢?她非常喜歡各式各樣的帽子,絕對稱得上是一位帽子Lady。而Sherry前些時候也曾幫一位設計帽子的朋友拍了一系列的平面廣告,對味,時間OK,因此有緣聚在一起,分享彼此的心情與經驗。

Sherry還邀請了一對姊妹花-Belinda Chen (姐姐) and Sophia Chen (妹妹)。這對姐妹花又是緣起何處呢?拍帽子平面廣告,雖然帽子是重點,但模特兒總要化妝得美美的,才更能凸顯帽子的設計特色。Sophia就是Sherry拍照當天的彩妝師。那姐姐Belinda又怎麼會一起來呢?看看妹妹交什麼樣的朋友?讀書會又是怎麼一回事?或許是原因之一,但最主要的是她們姐妹倆來參加我們的聚會前有一個彩妝活動,剛好中午活動結束,所以帶著大包小包的就一起來了。

三月所選讀的文章由主辦者,也就是此篇文章的筆者Linda,從二月的Toastmasters Magazine 挑選3篇: Page 14 Give the Gift of Listening (Hear the story of a lifetime) by Patrick Mott. Page 16 Leading by a Tale (How to put storytelling to work in your organization) by Caren Neile, Ph.D., ATMs/CL. Page 24 It’s All in the Name (Safeguarding the Toastmasters brand) by Tammy A. Miller, DTM, PID.

Page 14 Give the Gift of Listening (Hear the story of a lifetime): 人人愛聽故事,所以會豎起耳朵聽得仔細清楚。聽故事也可以讓你賺錢哦!想想誰可以如此輕鬆的賺錢?人人可以講故事,或許講得不生動,但絕對是獨一無二的。因此人與人的溝通,若能用講故事方式,那麼我相信就會減少很多有溝沒有通的問題了。而且講故事有時還可以治療某些人身心問題,例如去看心理醫生。講的人得以舒壓或解開心結,找回健康;聽的人只要仔細聆聽或適時與之對談,既可幫助人找回健康,又可讓自己的口袋飽飽,真讓人羨慕。

Page 16 Leading by a Tale (How to put storytelling to work in your organization): 故事永遠吸引人,但你為什麼要講這個故事,一定有其原因及目地,所以選擇什麼樣的故事What、在什麼時間點說故事When、以及誰來說Who,這3W是關鍵。有一社團曾邀請一位緊急救難協會的講師來演講,當他在台上講得口沫橫飛,台下的會員們聲音也不輸講師,但當講到燒燙傷處理時,有位會員舉手希望上台分享他的親身經驗。當他一上台捲起褲管時,當場啞雀無聲,因為看到一大片被燙傷及被移植的傷疤,這個警惕效果很難忘懷。

Page 24 It’s All in the Name (Safeguarding the Toastmasters brand): 為什麼常聽到或看到一些公司為了商標被盜用,而上法院提告?商標不就是一個圖案、一句話。被別人拿去用,為什麼不能再設計另一個圖案,再想另一句話?因為,其背後是經營者花了多少錢打廣告,甚至付出一生的精力來維持提升品質及商譽才成就了今天這一個圖案、這一句話。例如Nike,這個像打勾的商標以及"Just do it"這句口號,深入人心,無人不曉,無人不知。而Toastmasters這個超過80年的商標,over 11,000 Clubs, and more than 230,000 members in 92 countries,每天都為它付出時間與精神來維護它。為什麼?It’s All in the Name.

為什麼這次會由我執筆,並登載於Trini’s Blog?因為主筆者Trini有其他活動,無法參與3/14 s1f 在怡客咖啡公保店的Reading Gathering,Sherry鼓勵我試著寫寫看。用英文寫,我的英文不成材,還不敢接受這個挑戰。所以問了格主Trini可否用中文寫?答案就在你眼前。Ladies, try it sometimes, it is a little difficult but fun. Linda曾玉玲筆於98.3.19

2009年3月15日 星期日

What's It in the Name? Our March reading

I couldn't join goldies reading gathering because of my train tour to DongAo. Linda will take the turn to minute the reading. Before posting her article, let me see what I can say about the articles we read.

One of the articles Linda chose is "It's All in the Name" depicting the significance and importance of the name, which is also called "Brand", of a product or an enterprise. Whether a brand product is successful or not lies in how well its image conjures up its tagline, and "Image" equals "Quality".

Talking about T/Ms tagline, we all can quote it precisely: Making effective communication a worldwide reality. Before reading the article, I didn't know that it had been changed to "Become the speaker and leader you want to be" recently in line with the fact that T/Ms International (TI) had long visioned leadership skills building a prime goal, too. Due to the time proven and effective training programs, TI has made its name popular and reputable across the world with over 11000 clubs in 92 countries. The number of clubs in Taiwan has just soared to 120.

It's all about "Quality" to make a name everlasting. Isn't it exactly how we think of a person? and don't we use "quality" to judge a person's true essense?

It reminds me of the movie I saw many years ago "In the Name of My Father" Starring
Daniel Day-Lewis. It created a great impact on me. When a person or family's fame or name is distorted, it would be a shame not to redeem it. Likewise ...

There are some famous ones like ....


Going for the Green on a Chilly Day 東岳湧泉及林場文化之旅

There are times that you just can’t kill two birds with one stone. I went on outing today instead of joining the goldies’ reading. The reading wasn’t postponed as I thought, and an outing registered was the harvest of great efforts, so I took the train cruise. It was a pity definitely not being able to enjoy other goldies’ sharing of the articles. The least I could do was having my reading done of course.

The two projects of today’s train cruise to DongAo are “百樹可樂 Joy over a hundred Trees” and an in-depth cultural tour to 羅東林業文化園區ZhuLin. Amazing Virginia got fourteen of us going on the Green Hunt. She gave me that it-doesn’t-worth-making-a-big-fuss-about-it look, so I did what I was very good at “enjoy the moment!” I left home shortly after 5:30 am, didn’t have time to prepare fruit that I like except grabbing some oranges and star fruit. There I was, on time! How excited I was already.

A big Group -Ten among fourteen were new faces to me, they are all Virginia’s buddies, YMS volunteers. I felt easy and relaxed still because they were all in high spirits and cheerful when greeting me even at such an early hour. They were so easy to befriend me even I was kind of an intruder in a way. The only nuisance was the chilly weather, a big drop of temperature from yesterday’s pleasant one. After light chatting and taking a few group photos to kick off the journey, we were all well seated on the train. Soon a big bag of tangerines was circulated for everyone to share. I couldn’t bear to see my bag, five oranges, a big star fruit. Should I take it out? Oh, no! I forgot to bring a knife. Well, I decided to play hard the role as a taker/receiver this time to enjoy what was given to me. And all the way on the trip, I kept being a taker, the feeling was unprecedentedly sweeter. Unlike before I also got the chance to be a good listener because listening to them was much more enjoyable and enlightening than talking this time. How I wanted to be like them to be a YMS volunteers, selfless and big-hearted. Yet it’s an impossible dream for me for at least another ten years.

百樹可樂 - Time flew like an arrow, we were in DongAo for the activity “百樹可樂 Joy over
a hundred Trees”. There was a garden party with stands of artifacts and food, entertaining aboriginal and hot dances waiting for us. To promote the green globe vision, the authority also prepared many saplings for tourists to plant them with their own hands. Everyone could enjoy the excitement of the sense of accomplishment. Since the park was not big, the stands were not many and the programs were not new to me, I finished touring and eating long before the gathering time. The wind was strong. So I walked back to the station with one of the companies to enjoy the warm air in the train. Ha, Virginia was a few steps before me. She finished touring, too. When arriving at the station, a big Truck was parking there fully loaded with saplings. They were giving away all the saplings for free. What do you know? Though I don’t have a green thumb, nor am a diligent gardener, I couldn’t resist the free gift and took two. Half of us went back early and rested in the train for more than half an hour before others coming back. To get something to do, we took some more photos with the plants we got to record it.

羅東林業文化園區ZhuLin - Finally the train took off heading for LoDong. Four of us who took last train tour saw the park already, so we sneaked out to the restaurant “林場肉羹” to taste their famous meat stew first. We didn’t have the chance to visit the eater last time due to time rush. Certainly wouldn’t want to miss it again at any rate! What a crowd! Customers Had to grab any seat they saw empty, gulped down the meat stew, walked out the eater, and pay the money, all finished in shortly ten min. So we still had plenty of time to stroll in the park again. Then Virginia ordered ten bowls of meat stew to go for other ten to eat in the park to make sure they wouldn’t miss it. How thoughtful and quick-witted.

Ah, I forgot to mention the volunteer guide Mr. 宋金來. It was him again guiding our tour. How interesting! He was same humorous, cheerful and full of life. After enjoying the beauty of the park and breathing enough fresh air, we took the shuttle bus to the factory that made thousand-year eggs and healthy drinks. After enjoying some free try and buying some souvenirs. We were on the train again ready to go home. Unexpectedly, someone kept pouring out snacks. You see I kept receiving snacks from others this time enjoying other’s hospitality. I was truly well taken care of. The train will stop at FoLong Station for a few min. on the way back to Taipei. Though I was quite full, I still ordered a dinner box from the vender because I couldn't forget the tasty lunch box we had last time at FoLong. Must take this chance to taste it again.

The weather seemed to get warmer and warmer. Yet soon after the sun came out, it turned dark again. It would have been a perfect tour if the weather was less cold and the wind was less strong. Couldn’t believe I did it again riding the tour train. Pity that most of the train cruises are on weekdays. I was truly lucky to have made it for three times, but when will the next time be?


2009年3月5日 星期四

Exuberant Cherry Blossoms!

Cherry blossoms are in full bloom all over northern Taiwan. No matter how depressing the economy is, nature beauty never fails us. Why not put all our worries behind and walk out to appreciate the delight nature brings us? It’s the prime season for Cherry Blossoms. Flowers take pride in blooming as pretentiously as possible. There are so many scenery sports just around Taipei area for people to explore.

Purposely or unexpectedly I had seen Sakura in every my outing, still I would go for it again and again before the season is over if chances knock on my door. How lucky I was today that I could swap my morning class with my colleague to enjoy a different weekday morning at 淡水天元宮 (Tienyuan Temple).

The idea was brought up by Sherry, or I would never realize that I could make it happen by just seizing the chance. There were four of us including Sherry’s two friends Sophia and her husband. Not taking account of Sherry’s blur memory, it was practically the 1st time for all of us to visit the place. I thought the only route to 天元宮was going through DanSuei all the way to 三芝. How terribly wrong we were! It took us one hour from ShinLin to the destination 天元宮. Before arriving there, I finally realized from the road signs along the road that we made a long big circle and wasted a lot of time driving. .But it was worth. Or we wouldn’t have the chance to see the beautiful road led to 天元宮 which is paved with colorful flowers on the two sides. It looked so amazingly beautiful and tranquil that caressed us like a breeze stroking our face and ridded our anxiety.

Though it’s Thursday morning, the place was crowded with people. We drove up and down to look for a parking lot. Ha, we got a nice corner perfect for my car.

We took a lot of photos of course like we always did.

Sherry's model fanaticism was triggered soon after we got off the car. Frontal, side pose, or body in motion. My dummy camera couldn't do the job to catch her well. Just when thinking we had no much time left and turned back to look for her, I saw her chatting with a big group of female visitors. No one is stranger to her. In no time, she blended in tracelessly. Of course they were invited to take some joined pictures. Just when we thought we had enough excitement, Sophia ran into her aunt and uncle. What a small world! Greetings and again more photo-taking. "Got to go," finally I said firmly. We took the opposite direction to drive into Taipei. As I figured, we took the wrong route indeed coming here as it took us around 10 min. only back to ShihLin!

The weather is getting hoter and hoter at a fast pace, faster than we comprehend. I have a feeling that this might be the last venture I did for Sakura hunting. All the flowers will wither and fall before we know it. I am thrilled to say it will definitely be a blooming year, endorsed by all the blossomed Sakura, to me!


2009年3月1日 星期日

Certainty and Uncertainly

I am a person who tend to take things for granted. Today a Work Cafe poked me in my head that I should not let this flaw of mine overpower me. At 1:20 pm after celebrating my son’s birthday, I went to the Work Café -- 在不確定的年代展現生命力 Thriving on Uncertainty: the possible future" (想像台灣系列的)引導性的活動. When Kate told me about this program held by 朝邦文教基金會, I was attracted by the topic. Usually my Sundays should be spent at home or out with my family, and getting refreshed and recharged for the upcoming work. Yet keeping abreast with new input from others or thought-provoking activities is same important especially when Taiwan, actually the whole world is tormented by economical crises now. It is a truly timely and worth discussing issue.

The head of the board of 朝邦文教基金會 is George Yen, former Director of T/Ms International. Together with Jorie Wu, former District Governor, and their family T/Ms, they have held a lot of significant programs to benefit the society. We must pay our highest admiration to them on the vision they have.

As I expected I saw a lot of familiar faces from T/Ms. Yet I saw more from different job fields, even from different cities. When I arrived, most of the seats were already occupied. All the participants weregrouped in four. I searched for Kate, there she was, yet her table was full. Lydia hadn’t shown up. So I sat at an empty table. I knew there would be some late comers to fill the empty seats. As expected, the three empty seats were taken before the formal discussion began. The kind of way they ran the Work Café was not new to me. The facilitators guided us to go throughdiscussion and sharing. Participants moved from one table to another when a new topic was given leaving the host of the table to guard the fort. We were given three topics. Each topic had sub-topics under it. We spent around 20 – 30 mind to talk about each topic. Volunteers from different groups gave a report.

I saw all the participants were so much .in the discussion, enthusiastically and earnestly sharing their thoughts with others. And some words given were quite philosophic. It would definitely be a good book gathering all the insightful perceptions. When all the discussions were over, we sat in a big circle. The microphone was circulated around for everyone to conclude what they gained from the Work Café. The program concluded on time, 5:00 pm sharp.

After greeting some more friends that I didn’t have the chance to do during the program, Kate, Lydia and I left together. Must say it was a very successful Work Café. Around 70 – 80 people joined. A stack of paper with lots, lots of ideas written on will definitely take朝邦文教基金會much work to get it compiled. I am optimistic and certain that with all the love and care we have toward the planet we can surely make the world a better place to live in.


A Bizarre "Bazar" at TaFong Elementary School

Shopping is fun especially when your pocket is full and you have enough free time to kill. Since little I had been taught to cultivate the merit of saving for a rainy day and not to squander. Yet often times, the impulse rooted deeply inside me would emerge and get out of hand especially after I strived to oppress it long. I would always feel guilty afterward and not to set foot in any store.

A “Bazaar” held at DaFong Elementary School? Why not? I thought when Sherry released the news to me. It's the school's special program to attract donations from the community to help those students whose families are either facing difficuties or suffering from the economical downturn. Though I should do some chores at home, I decided to have a little bit fun. My pocket would be surely safe. This school bazaar wouldn’t empty my pocket as there wouldn’t be any apparels or fancy stuff to allure me. Still it will be fun just by enjoying browsing a lot of interesting gadgets. So there I went.

We set 10:30 am to meet at the school gate. What I got from Sherry was DaFong Elementary School. What's its exact Chinese name? There would be a lot of combinations of Chinese words with the same pronunciation. No problem, internet makes information sourcing extremely easy. To find it out was just a click away. Before getting ready to leave home, I sent Sherry a mail asking her to have her cell phone on in case. But "Where is my cell phone?" I looked for it everywhere, yet couldn't find it. Well, maybe nothing wrong will happen. So I was on my way. After checking with two pedestrians, I was in front of the gate. Five minutes to 10:30 pm. Perfect! She will be here any minute. But I was still anxious being afraid of missing her because I didn't have a phone should anything go wrong. I looked around standing on my toes. It was a big relief when catching the sight of her. I gasped with a big surprise when Sherry told me the School gate is on the other side. Where I stood was just a rear door. Mama Mia! If Sherry didn't come this way, the result would be unthinkable! How lucky I was!

There were a lot of stands selling children's items mostly. What do you expect? It's a school Bazarre. Nevertheless, a few stands sold some bags, clothes, or houseware suitable for women or housewives. Of course I have seen school's bazarre many times. My school would have a "Bazarre", too to go with some special events. But not in such a big scale. At first Sherry and I tried to stick together. I got two middle-size travelling bags while Sherry was interested in some fashion bags/pulses. Soon, we lost sight of each other while I was busy in look at the stuffed toys. They were on sale at amazingly low price. They must have costed the original owners' parents a fortune to buy them. Now either for supporting the activity or getting rid of white elephants, the students put their once-adored toys out here for sale. I love to collect stuffed toys for my students. I tried to look for her. Hard to believe that she, such a tall lady, could hid herself so well in the crowd. "No problem, go to the Information Center to ask helpers there to broadcast her name for me," I was proud of my brilliant idea. After three times broadcast, and 15 minutes' waiting, still no sight of her! She was crazier than me that even the loud broadcast couldn't get into her ears. I left a message at the Center, back to the stands to try my luck while keeping on my exploration. When the Bazarre was about to over, the sale went crazier. The merchandise were sold worthless. Well, I was sensible enough not to be tempted by it though I could buy several times of the things with the money I just spent.

There finally I saw Sherry probably because the crowed was gone. We examined each other's trophies, had some refreshments, and had last look of the school carnival before leaving. Look at the stuffed toys I bought! I will bring them to my classroom and use them as prizes for my students. Spending such little money to make my students happy is definitely worth all the time.

Our Heroine Michelle - A "CCIM" Certificate Goer

It’s my usual routine to turn on my computer and check my mailbox soon after I get home. Tonight (Thursday, Feb. 26th) I had a T/Ms meeting, and it was around 11:00 pm when I got home. I was a little depressed because I got off the wrong exit on the freeway and made a wrong turn which took me at least twenty min. more than usual on the road. Quite a lot new mails since I last checked it before going to the meeting. especially when I have meetings at night and get home late.

Michelle’s mail with a new subject "CCIM" caught my eyes. Without thinking, I could tell immed. that she must have got the approval from the Institute for her portfolio presented to the Institute a few weeks ago. We have heard her talking about it several times, and were all very sure that she would eventually get it approved.

She joined the CCIM class more than six months ago spending all her Saturdays travelling between Taipei and HsinZhu, doing research, writing reports, etc. The toughest challenge for her was to complete the portfolio requested by “CCIM” Institute as the doorstep for receiving CCIM Certificate. We had some goldies activities without her. It was a loss to us, yet on the other hand we understand perfectly. To her, there was nothing more important than concentrating on the project she was doing at that time. When she showed up in the first clogging class right after Chinese Lunar New Year and mentioned that she finally finished the portfolio and sent it out ahead of all her classmates, we had the feelings that she would make it. A job finished in a rush can’t be satisfactory. Michelle had it done way ahead of the schedule. It’s the right attitude to get things done well and deserve a high reward.

It’s an exciting news worth celebrating. We goldies decided to do it for her accomplishment. Michelle was in Vietnan sending us the good news. She will be back from her business trip in two days. We can’t wait to see her to tell us more details and to discuss more details for the celebration party.

Our salute to Michelle! What a capable and respectable career woman!
